Rest in God – Prayerful Tuesday

Cape Cod
Cape Cod


The only real rest comes
when you’re alone with God
— Rumi

Ruth Jewell, ©June 17, 2014

Never Forget – Prayerful Tuesday

Working Military Dog
Working Military Dog

Yesterday was Memorial Day, the day we remember the service of those who have fought our wars and protect our borders.  We sometimes forget there are more than men in the line of fire. Women are now serving in positions where they too are potentially at risk.  And, there have always been animals, pigeons, and dogs who have laid down their lives for a cause they cannot understand and they do it for the love of the soldier partner.   Today I am asking you to remember in prayer those faithful winged and 4-footed creatures who have willingly give up their lives.

  • As You gaze at the picture take a deep breath and let it out slowly, take a second breath and let it out slowly, let your shoulders relax and your gaze soften.
  • Look deeply at the picture and let the colors and image enter your imagination. What feelings does this bring to the surface?  What memories or stories?  Imagine you are walking are a soldier whose lives and works with this faithful dog, what does that look like and feel like to you.
  • Respond to the image with a prayer for all God’s children who serve in dangerous places on this earth.  Offer a prayer of intercession and gratitude for the service men, service women, and service animals who protect us while we sleep.
  • Continue to gaze at the picture, breathe deeply and rest quietly.  Let God pray in you in silence beyond words.

Ruth Jewell,  ©May 27, 2014

Let There Be Light – Prayerful Tuesday

Auchmithie Milky Way, B&B Photography, 14.05.04
Auchmithie, Scotland Milky Way, B&B Photography, 14.05.04

“And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to light upon the earth.”  Genesis 1:16-17 Walking at night has always been one of my favorite things to do.  I grew up in the country and I have seen the Milky Way spread across the sky with my own eyes.  This picture taken on a Beach in Scotland reminded me of how beautiful the Universe is.  It is because of stars we are alive. We are made of star dust and a star warms our earthen home.  We owe our very existence to the life giving power of stars.  Gaze into the picture, look deep into the mystery, do you see yourself, looking back.  When the skies are clear (I know that is difficult to find here in the Northwest) take walk outside.  Gaze at the star studded sky and dream.

  • As You gaze at the picture take a deep breath and let it out slowly, take a second breath and let it out slowly, let your shoulders relax and your gaze soften.
  • Look deeply at the picture and let the colors of the night sky enter your imagination. What feelings does this bring to the surface?  What memories or stories?  Imagine you are walking on a star studded night, what does that look like and feel like to you.
  • Respond to the image with a prayer for God’s entire universe.  Offer a prayer of intercession and thanksgiving for the abundance God has graces us with.
  • Continue to gaze at the picture, breathe deeply and rest quietly.  Let God pray in you in silence beyond words.

Ruth Jewell, ©May 20, 2014

Creation’s Joy – Prayerful Tuesday

happy mouse


One of my favorite things to do when I am sad is to take a walk, preferably in a wooded area, but I have been known to find beautiful sits as I walk down a sidewalk.  Gazing at nature scenes is free for the looking whether you are walking through a forest or down the street.  There is so much beauty and so much delight that it can take your breath away.  This week and next week I am going to use pictures from nature as focus for Visio Divina.  Enjoy looking at the pictures, laugh with the little mouse, enter into the joy of prayer with all of creation.

  • As You gaze at the picture take a deep breath and let it out slowly, take a second breath and let it out slowly, let your shoulders relax and your gaze soften.
  • Look deeply at the picture and let the colors and little mouse enter your imagination. What feelings does this little fellow on a flower bring to the surface?  What memories or stories?  Imagine you are walking down a trail and come on this happy mouse, what does that look like and feel like to you.
  • Respond to the image with a prayer for all of God’s creatures.  Offer a prayer of intercession and thanksgiving for the abundance God has graces us with.
  • Continue to gaze at the picture, breathe deeply and rest quietly.  Let God pray in you in silence beyond words.

Ruth Jewell, ©May 13, 2014

Mother’s Day – Prayerful Tuesday

Breakfast in Bed, Mary Cassatt, 1897
Breakfast in Bed, Mary Cassatt, 1897
  • As you gaze at the picture take a deep breath and let it out slowly, take a second breath and let it out slowly, let your shoulders relax and your gaze soften.
  • Look deeply at the picture and let the colors and figures enter your imagination. What feelings does it bring to the surface? What memories? Do you see yourself in the picture? What does that feel like?
  • Respond to the image with prayer and if you would like to offer a prayer of thanksgiving or intercession.
  • Continue to gaze at the picture, breathe deeply and rest quietly. Let God pray in you in silence beyond words.

Blessings to all mothers, who give up so much for the love of their children.

Holy Mother God, thank you for the love of my mother, in her arms I always found shelter and comfort and now she rests in your arms. Tell her I am grateful for all her gifts, for they have made me the woman I am today. Amen

For the next 4 weeks my prayer offering will be Visio Divina. May is a month of mother hood, flowers, and flags. So my pictures will be representative of Mother’s Day, spring, and Memorial Day. May you find time to quietly contemplate each week on a mother’s love, God’s glorious spring, and those who have served and gave their all.
Ruth Jewell, ©May 6, 2014


Road to Emmaus — Prayerful Tuesday

Road to Emmaus, Rembrandt

Road to Emmaus, Rembrandt


The story of the two disciples on their way to Emmaus who meet the resurrected Jesus is a familiar story to us all, maybe to familiar. I found this drawing of Rembrandts and it touched me in a way some finished painting cannot. If you look closely you will see it is not a complete drawing, you have the basic outlines some detail is included but most of the fine detail is missing. In a way that is what the scriptural story is for me, the fine details are left out. For instance Rembrandt portrays a young and an older disciple with Jesus but I don’t remember ages being given. For some reason I always pictured the road they were walking on as being isolated but in the background here you see other travelers, is that possible. Jesus is in deep conversation with the two and I often wondered why these two were they the only ones of his disciples not afraid to go out? I could go on forever but then you wouldn’t have a chance to meditate on this drawing.

So today, I offer this drawing for Visio Divina practice. Gaze at the picture and as you focus on the images place yourself in the role of one of the disciples. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. The other disciples are afraid of leaving the upper room but you have chosen to travel. If you had been one of these disciples what would you have thought of this stranger interposing himself on you and your companion? Would you have been afraid?
  2. In what ways does this the teaching of the stranger peak your curiosity.
  3. What is it about the stranger that draws you to him? Does he somehow feel familiar?
  4. Given that some of the women in your group have come back from the tomb telling everyone that Jesus was alive, can you entertain the possibility that you are talking to your risen Lord even if you are afraid to say so out loud.

May Christ meet you on the road and offer you comfort.


Ruth Jewell, ©April 29, 2014


Prayers of Compassion, Visio Divina – Prayerful Tuesday

In the last week I have watched the reports from the mudslide in Oso Washington and my heart is filled with sorrow for all the victims lost and recovered alive. Last night I used this picture as my prayer focus and found it rich in prayers for all the victims and the responders of this terrible disaster.

1. As you gaze at the picture what feelings come up for you?
2. Do you have something you want to tell God?
3. What words of comfort would you offer to the victims and the responders in Oso?

Other areas have also experienced natural disaster. Los Angeles has been experiencing earthquakes this week and adverse weather due to climate change has plagued the areas east of the Rockies all winter.

4. End you time of meditation with a prayer for all who have been affected by disasters and extreme adverse weather conditions around the world?

Mudslide Oso Washington,  photo from Headline and Global News,  March 27, 2014
Mudslide Oso Washington,
photo from Headline and Global News,
March 27, 2014


Ruth Jewell, © (except for picture) April 1, 2014

WHISPER – Prayerful Tuesday

Visio Divina

20130619 a

sunrise, sunset
do you hear
a whisper
heart open
spirit quiet
I listen
I hear
a whisper.

As you gaze at the picture what do you feel, what do you hear.  Does the picture lead you somewhere quiet, inside where a whisper is a shout of joy.

Ruth Jewell, ©March 18, 2014


Visio Divina – Prayerful Tuesday

Desert Times

Superstition Mountains, Arizona,  ©Ruth Jewell, November 2005
Superstition Mountains, Arizona,
©Ruth Jewell, November 2005

January is a month of quiet stillness, the stillness of snow falling, the stillness of early darkness. It is time when the earth sleeps waiting for the renewal in life coming in future months.  January is a desert time, a time when the darkness can overwhelm us with emptiness, and loneliness.  For some the month of January can last forever, or seem like it anyway.  But spring is coming, hope lies just below the surface of cold snow and hard ground just as water lies beneath the surface of the desert waiting until it is able to break through into the light.

Today I invite you to join me in the practice of Visio Divina with the above desert picture.  As you focus on the desert scene ask yourself the following questions:

  1. When have you felt the silence of the desert in your life?
  2. In what ways did the desert nurture your renewal into a new spring?
  3. And, what is calling your forth from the desert?

May your deserts, whether cold or hot, draw you deeper into the arms of the Holy Spirit.

Ruth Jewell, © January 21, 2014

Prayerful Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of G-d.
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of G-d.



In the last few days it seems our world has slipped another cog on its sanity wheels.  There have been floods in Colorado, a devastating fire in New Jersey, children have gone missing, there are continuing world economic problems, people are dying in conflicts in the Middle East and South America . . . there are just too many to name.  Are you as overwhelmed as often as I am?

Sometimes I just have to stop and find something that reminds me that I am not alone in this world of many sorrows.  G-d walks with me through the pain and suffering I see all around me.  It is important for all of us to remember G-ds grace is in all things, all people, every moment even if we are to frightened or too busy see that amazing presence. On this Prayerful Tuesday I offer to you the practice of Visio Divina, a visual meditation on something in creation.

  • Sometime today pause and find something to focus on for a few moments; it could be a leaf, a sunbeam, the face of a friend or loved one, or you may use the picture of clouds above.  Pick something that reflects G-d’s presence to you at that moment.
  • Hold that image in your mind and meditate on the gifts God has given you.
  • You might take a moment to jot down any thoughts you may have for later contemplation.
  • When you have finished your contemplation offer your own prayers of intercession
  • End your time of prayer with a prayer of thanksgiving to the blessed creator.

My prayer for you this day is a “Prayer of Blessing” from John Phillip Newell’s book, “Praying with the Earth, A Prayerbook for Peace.”  

Prayer of Blessing

Peace where there is war
healing where there is hurt
memory where we have forgotten the other.
Vision where there is violence
light where there is madness
sight where we have blinded each other.
Comfort where there is sorrow
tears where there is hardness
laughter where we have missed life’s joy
laughter when we remember the joy.

(John Phillip Newell, Praying with the Earth, A Prayerbook for Peace,
William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, 2011, pg. 44)

May you find your moment of stillness and may it fill you with peace. Namaste